Jude 1:11.
”Woe to them, for they have gone the way of Cain, they have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit and perished in the rebellion of Korah.”
There is no doubt that we are dealing with one of the deadliest diseases in our generation. The nature of the corona virus is such that, we must avoid certain unhealthy practices and distance ouselves socially in order not to endanger our lives.
In much the same way, the Bible cautions us of certain practices and traits that if not checked, could be very detrimental to our walk with the Lord.
— The way of Cain. (Gen 4: 3)
This is the practice of not giving our best to the Lord. In Gen 4, we read that Cain’s offering was unacceptable to God because he merely gave of some of his farm produce to the Lord, unlike his brother Abel, who gave of the best of his sheep. This led Cain to eventually murder his brother out of envy.
— The error of Balaam. (Numb 22)
This is the practice of rushing for profit or money; a practice often stemming from greed and the love of money; and an error which has caused many to wander from the faith and ‘pierce themselves with many griefs’. (1Tim 6: 10.)
— The rebellion of Korah. (Num 16)
This is the practice of speaking, fighting and rising up against authority. The Bible says rebellion is as deadly as the sin of witchcraft. Korah’s rebellion ended up in the complete destruction of himself and his followers.
Dear friend, my prayer for you today is for God to deliver you from every deadly mistake that could cost you your life. May God in his mercy save you from every wrong move as he did for Abimelech in restraining him from touching Sarah. (Gen 20: 6)
Stay safe and stay blessed!
Further reading: Num 16: 1- 35.